How to lobby the EU now to seize future opportunities?

The EU has just launched the discussion on the future regulation on ecodesign of products in the middle of the energy crisis and scarcity of raw materials. Sectors like construction, transport or packaging will see their regulatory landscape shaped by this new act which aims at setting the requirement of sustainability any product must observe when being designed. If the usual legislative timing is respected, the regulation should be in force by 2024 or 2025.

With the exception of food (human and animal) and medical products, the EU single market will experience an important change with winners and losers. To a large extend, it will depend on the capacity to analyse the consequences of the proposed measures and take action to shape the future scenario by means of a clever lobby.


Each product category will have its rules

Lobbying the right decision-takers will not be easy since, again, comitology will play a crucial role: it is expected that the European Commission (with the dissatisfaction of the European Parliament and the Council) will monopolize the work to write -using delegated acts- the digital passport per category of products. To understand the challenges posed by comitology (the so called ‘c-word’) in terms of transparency and access to the decision-taking, please read our post:

At Alonso & Asociados, we have been devoting our experience, energy and know-how of 30+ years to help companies, associations and public bodies to enlighten them about the EU decision-taking and to get the best of it by making a good use of Brussels institutions.

To read the proposal of regulation on product ecodesign:



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